Empowering Veterans through Physical and Mental Health

The Grey Team veterans center in Boca Raton, Florida, is making a remarkable difference in the lives of veterans struggling with physical and mental health issues. Founded by Cary Reichbach, a former Army police officer and physical trainer, the Grey Team offers a unique program that combines personalized workouts, community outings, and an array of machines to improve the well-being of veterans.
One of the veterans benefiting from the Grey Team’s program is Fred Kalfon, an 81-year-old Vietnam vet. Kalfon suffered from Parkinson’s disease, an inner ear disorder, and other neurological problems caused by exposure to Agent Orange, a defoliant used during the war. Additionally, he battled post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) related to a traumatic incident he experienced during his service. Despite receiving treatment through the Department of Veterans Affairs, Kalfon found little relief.
However, since joining the Grey Team, Kalfon has seen significant improvements. With the support of the staff and the program’s holistic approach, he has regained mobility, reduced his reliance on a walker, and has even started using a cane. The camaraderie and encouragement provided by the Grey Team have been instrumental in his progress.
The Grey Team focuses on helping veterans reduce their reliance on medications by addressing their physical and mental health needs through specialized workouts and therapies. The program includes the use of innovative machines that utilize infrared light, lasers, and sound waves to promote healing, relieve stress, and aid in sleep. Unlike some other veteran programs that rely heavily on medication, the Grey Team aims to find alternative solutions that are effective and have fewer side effects.
While the program has shown promising results, some experts remain skeptical. Dr. Craig Bryan, a psychologist who works with the VA, points out that the Grey Team’s success may be partly attributed to the selective participant pool. However, ongoing research conducted by university researchers aims to gather data and evaluate the program’s effectiveness more rigorously.
The impact of the Grey Team extends beyond physical improvements. Veterans like Bill Tolle, who suffered from PTSD and struggled with alcoholism, credit the program with helping them regain cognitive function and mental clarity. Tolle’s experience highlights the importance of addressing mental health concerns in conjunction with physical well-being.
The Grey Team’s ultimate goal is to combat the alarming rate of suicide among veterans. By providing a supportive environment and comprehensive care, the center aims to prevent suicidal ideation and support veterans in their journey to recovery. While the center currently lacks the resources to assist homeless veterans or those with uncontrolled addictions, its focus on suicide prevention is making a significant difference in the lives of many veterans.
As Fred Kalfon continues his journey towards better health and mobility, he remains hopeful and motivated. With his sights set on jogging 3 miles, he is determined to achieve his goals. The Grey Team has become a lifeline for veterans like Kalfon, offering them a chance to improve their physical and mental well-being, find camaraderie, and regain their independence. Through its innovative approach and unwavering support, the Grey Team is making a lasting impact on the lives of veterans and working towards a brighter future for those who have served their country.