Florida House Considers Elimination of Enterprise Florida

Florida House Considers Elimination of Enterprise Florida

Enterprise Florida, the state’s business-recruitment agency, has once again come under fire from the Florida House as the 2023 legislative session opened on Tuesday. House Speaker Paul Renner, R-Palm Coast, called for the elimination of the public-private agency as he discussed priorities for the session.

Enterprise Florida has been the subject of controversy for years, with House leaders previously targeting the agency in high-profile clashes with then-Gov. Rick Scott over economic incentives. Former House Speaker Richard Corcoran repeatedly referred to incentives offered directly to companies as “corporate welfare”. Corcoran’s successor as speaker, Jose Oliva, described incentive deals as going against the free market and favoring large corporations.

Enterprise Florida survived but with less funding, and as a compromise with Scott, lawmakers created the Job Growth Grant Fund. The governor can distribute money from that fund to regional infrastructure and job-training programs.

Gov Ron DeSantis has requested $100 million for the Job Growth Grant Fund next fiscal year, up from $50 million in the current year. With the Job Growth Grant Fund in hand, DeSantis has shown less interest than Scott in Enterprise Florida. In February, the Enterprise Florida Board of Directors elevated Laura DiBella as head of the agency.

Renner, in his opening address, called for the elimination of Enterprise Florida, which he said has overpromised and underdelivered for years and drains funds from higher priorities. A bill filed on Monday, HB 5, proposes shifting Enterprise Florida’s funding to the state Department of Economic Opportunity.

Renner later told reporters that some adjustments will be made to the bill, but people and businesses have come to the state without incentives from Enterprise Florida. He said $13 million in funding this year for Enterprise Florida could be better used in other areas.

While Enterprise Florida’s future is uncertain, other priorities were outlined on the opening day of the session. Senate President Kathleen Passidomo, R-Naples, promoted legislation on issues such as storm hardening and resiliency, border security, school choice and allowing people to carry guns without concealed weapons licenses.

Passidomo said the full Senate this week will take up bills to address affordable housing and a state wildlife corridor, two of her top priorities. “With this legislation, all of the families, workers, law enforcement officers, teachers and so many others who are flocking to Florida from high-tax, lockdown states can live conveniently close to the communities they serve,” Passidomo said of the housing bill (SB 102). “I am confident this legislation will pass tomorrow with overwhelming support.” Renner supported the housing proposal, which is called the Live Local Act.

The Live Local Act would provide incentives for private investment in affordable housing, encourage mixed-use development in struggling commercial areas, preempt local-government rules on density and building heights in certain circumstances and bar local rent controls.